A Series of Unfortunate Events

Yes, Murphy has as of late made himself, or itself at home at our property. Do you know Murphy’s law? It’s more or less based on the idea that a series of unfortunate events will always happen at the worst times. I’ve previously lived by another version of it. One that Military Wives and I called “Military Murphy’s Law”. That one was “what can go wrong, will go wrong…during a

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I never win anything, why now?

When we first purchased our home in North Pole Alaska, there were only a couple of things that we found ourselves dissatisfied by. The kitchen was a bit on the small side, the master bath had a shower only, and the hall bathroom had a tub that our realtor called “an old person tub”. The bathtub was extremely shallow. It was useful for taking a bath only if your intent

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Animal attack on the homestead

Animal attack on the homestead

This morning our family finished breakfast, were engaged in cleaning up and putting things away.  I decided I’d really like a cup of cappuccino before I got moving on making some salsa with some reduced tomatoes from Fred Meyers yesterday.  Suddenly I heard a large bird, I mean really large hit the front window.  I exclaimed loudly “what the heck was that?” Of course my husband Edward just answered “huh?

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Progress on an Alaskan Homestead

Progress on an Alaskan Homestead

I can’t believe the year is almost over with.  Its Mid-November, the ground is fully covered with snow (finally), and we’re just about done for the season. This year seemed to be more about protein farming than our garden really; when I sit and ponder it.  Slowly but surely our property is becoming more and more productive.  In July I posted that it seemed as if our meat rabbit production

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Preparing for 2018

Preparing for 2018

As usual come winter here in North Pole, Alaska we turn inwards and spend time relaxing; learning new skills; reading books; and just as of this past Autumn I started attending college for my certification in Herbal Retail Management with the American College of Healthcare Sciences in Portland, Oregon.  So while we’re not working non stop outside, we still stay relatively busy, all within close proximity to the lit wood

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This is the day that never ends and it goes on and on my friends……

Today was rabbit day. 23.5 lbs of rabbit harvested today. We have now moved all the babies that were in the temporary grow outs into the nicer grow outs to give them better accommodations. Our team of three (Edward, Nick and I) did great today! Nick did two of his own, almost completely by himself. It was a bit rocky starting off but before you know it we started picking

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We DID IT!  Our awesome woodshed build!

We DID IT! Our awesome woodshed build!

A year ago we began to walk our property to figure out what we wanted to do with all of this land.  We’ve never had so much land to work with, being a military family who has most of our lives lived in military quarters. Once we had dreamed a bit, we started taking apart our “dream” list and started looking at what was a necessity vs what was just

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